
Automatic Spam Filtering

Combating spam is a top priority at Dallas ISP. Free spam filtering from unwanted e-mail protection only takes you so far.. We go above and beyond to protect you from harmful scams. We know that even if you wanted viagra, you wouldn’t look to your inbox for help.

We cannot control how others protect their customers, or whether or not other ISP’s intentionally provide service to known spamming domains, but we can protect what reaches your computer or server.

In the event your computer is constantly bombed with spam or infected with trojans, malware and other spyware we will recommend a domain wide premium spam protection service at a cost of $48.00 per user per year plus a one time setup. This helps keep the trouble totally away from you computer! You are losing money if you keep spending lots of time each day dealing with spam.

Our efforts to combat spam are just another way Dallas ISP goes above and beyond the call as a Total Internet Solution Provider. No spam appliance hardware needed. Simple and painless.